As a homebuyer, you may be wondering whether you need to sign a contract with a buyer`s agent. The short answer is, no, you don`t have to sign a contract with a buyer`s agent. However, there are several good reasons why you should consider doing so.

Firstly, a contract with a buyer`s agent can provide you with added protection and peace of mind. Once you sign a contract, your agent is legally obligated to work in your best interests, and you can hold them accountable if they do not meet your expectations or requirements. This can be especially important if you are a first-time homebuyer, as you may not have a lot of experience with the process and may benefit from the guidance and support of a qualified agent.

Additionally, a contract can help you avoid conflicts of interest. When you work with a buyer`s agent, they typically earn a commission based on the sale price of the home. If you don`t have a contract, your agent may be tempted to steer you towards more expensive properties in order to earn a higher commission. However, with a contract in place, your agent is legally bound to act in your best interests, regardless of the commission they may receive.

Finally, a contract can help you establish clear expectations and guidelines for your relationship with your buyer`s agent. This can include details such as the length of your agreement, the scope of their services, and any fees or commissions you may be responsible for. By setting these expectations up front, you can avoid misunderstandings or disagreements later on.

So, while you don`t have to sign a contract with a buyer`s agent, doing so can provide you with added protection, help you avoid conflicts of interest, and establish clear expectations for your relationship. If you`re considering working with a buyer`s agent, it may be worth taking the time to discuss the possibility of signing a contract with them.